

There are several common species to found around the shores of the UK. The most common of the  species being the Blue Shark. 

Other species which may be captured are Mako, Porbeagle and Tope.  Thresher and Hammerhead's being very rare. 

Tope however seem to favour certain areas of the UK, like the Isle of Wight and the Bristol Channel.

Blue Shark
(Prionace glauca)

Our picture shows an angler holding a Blue Shark and we would not recommend that you do this. This angler was lucky he did not receive a serious bit.

The best time in general to catch sharks seems to be the summer months. However that said there is no reason why they are not captured during the winter months when the mackerel are shoaling.

Weather is more likely to be the only reason they are not targeted during this time.

Very widely distributed and found all over the world in semi tropical and warmer temperate zones. They are common in certain areas and often travel in large packs. They are found in large numbers off the eastern coast of the USA and in the waters of the UK during the warmer weather from mid-summer. Good fishing is found off the coast of Ireland , the Bristol Channel and the southwest of the English Channel.

The upper weight limit of the Blue Shark is probably around 500lbs. Fish of 410lbs have been captured in the Eastern Atlantic. The average size captured in the waters of the UK is about 80 to 110lbs. The current UK Rod Caught Record is 218 lbs caught in 1959 by N. Sutcliffe off Looe, Cornwall.

Not really known for their fighting qualities. They may make an initial hard first run but tend to give up after that. They have a nasty habit of "rolling up your trace". They give a better fight on light tackle.

The preferred bait is fresh mackerel for most or even live mackerel. Other live baits used are Pollack. Dead baits used are mackerel, whiting, pilchards, herrings or squid sometimes as a cocktail.

Blue Sharks are most commonly targeted by Charter Boats, and weights of around 100 lbs are not unusual. In some area's other species such as Mako and Porbeagle maybe captured whilst targeting this specie.

Species other that Blue Shark are captured on the North Cornwall coast, Bristol Channel ,around the coast of Scotland and the Hurds Deep are of the English Channel.

The favoured method of fishing is drifting and making a scented trail by using mackerel in rubby-dubby bags suspended over the sides of the vessel just touching the water. Old Onion sacks are ideal for this. In some areas where available fish oils are used also. These can either be mixed with the rubby-dubby or slowly dripped into the sea. A great method of doing this is to use a hospital infusion bag filled with your fish oil. These can be purchased from some pharmacy's. Using the drift fishing method the vessel covers a great distance in the sea.

Some skippers prefer to anchor their vessels and make the sharks come to them. However the anchor needs to have some method of tripping so if a large fish is captured it may need to be chased or followed.

Favourite baits used are large whole mackerel. If the mackerel available are only small several will need to be used on one hook. 

Baits need to be set at varying depths and wire traces with several swivels are a must. The method of suspending you bait is with either a plumbers plastic sea cock or a balloon. The non round version being better for sighting.

All that is then required is a large amount of patience and a constant chumming of the sea. Whilst your waiting click on the logo below.

Shark Angling Club of Great Britain


 website designed & maintained electricbluefish

copyright © Excalibur Charters 2005/2008